Blog Post #2

     Prior to coming to FSU, I rarely utilized MS Word. My middle and high schools only used Google platforms. These platforms for the majority only included Classroom, Docs, and Slides. I always thought of MS Word to be a little more confusing and had a lot more going on along with it. I have become super comfortable with Google platforms and find it to be very user-friendly and easy to navigate. However, I am looking forward to becoming just as comfortable with MS Word through this course.

    Out of the ISTE Standards for Educators, I find the standard discussing being a leader and leadership in general to be most meaningful. I think as an educator it is your job to set an example, lead, help, and support your students in any way possible. I like the way the standards under this topic describe a shared vision, equitable access, and modeling tool use. This is especially important in this digital age when technology is always advancing and changing. 

    I do agree with the label "digital native" when it pertains to today's youth. Technology is becoming ever so present in our daily lives when compared to the lives of generations in the past, causing the distinction between "digital natives" and digital immigrants". I have noticed differences between the way I use technology compared to my teachers, and I feel like this was especially prevalent during remote learning and quarantine. A lot of teachers struggled with the online features and even with platforms like Zoom and just sending assignments out. This caused a gap and disconnect in the overall learning. In the future, I expect technology to continue to improve and change. As a teacher, I will have to keep up with the changes and use my students as a resource to learn and improve for myself and them. 


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