
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Post #7

      I visited a few websites part of the English department. I noticed most of them have a welcome page, a bio, and an assignments/announcements page. Katherine Quick's website has a calendar linked on her page. On this calendar, there are assignments listed and a basic schedule for what each week will entail. I feel like this is especially helpful to the student if they are sick, going on a trip, or just want to get ahead.      As a teacher, I think a website is a good thing to have to keep parents updated and students as well. I think creating newsletters is also something I will do in my future career. I can also imagine myself using Pinterest to come up with creative lesson plans and Instagram as well. Furthermore, in the classroom I think YouTube is a good resource to use to add to the lessons and reiterate material. I will also be sure to use Remind or a platform like that to communicate with parents and be sure to

Blog Post #6

      Overall, I enjoy working with Diigo and I think it can be a great resource within classrooms. I like the way it is very collaborative and you can add comments and things of that nature. It is a great way to share all the individual ideas within a classroom. While it is a great resource, I also think it can be pretty confusing especially when thinking about using it with younger students, which is the grade level I am interested in teaching. For older students, however, I think it can be especially effective.     I did not have much experience with blogging before this, but I am finding it to be a fun thing to do. I think it is a good way to summarize, reflect, and organize thoughts. Through my blogging process, I have learned the value of sharing opinions and have deepened my understanding of the topics we discuss in class. As a future educator, I can look through blogs in order to see what other teachers are doing and be inspired to do different things within my classroom.     A

Blog Post #5

    I am really enjoying using Instagram for my Personal Learning Network. In the past, I had seen stuff on Pinterest and TikTok about teachers and classroom activities and I think Instagram has even more ideas and goes deeper into them. With my Instagram account, I have seen and followed several teacher accounts where they post lesson plans, fun things happening within their classroom, and even outfits and things like that. For my future career, I will definitely look to Instagram for inspiration to apply within my classroom and fun things to do with my students.     The digital divide is something very prominent within schools today. It can easily be overlooked, however, it affects students in severe ways. It can impact grades and just overall make students feel isolated or embarrassed in some cases. Some causes of the digital divide include economic or social issues. As a classroom teacher, I will most likely experience the digital divide and I will be sure to address it through my

Blog Post #4

      I am interested in teaching younger elementary grades, so I checked out the standards for K-2 students. I think Standard 1: Communication and Collaboration seems pretty straight forward and I feel I am prepared to implement it based on my current skill set. To me, the standard describes an online group project, maybe this being a small presentation or a small research assignment. It lays the basic foundation for computer skills and can be easily built off of.      In the CPALMS Educator Toolkit, I found various resources that I think would be beneficial to my teaching. I looked at the second grade math lesson plans and I found one about a Double Bubble Diagram to Compare Math Concepts. I think this specific lesson is definitely useful to geometry specifically because understanding shapes and making connections between them can be a difficult concept to grasp. Using this diagram they provide on their website can allow for the students to visualize and manipulate the information th

Blog Post #3

      As a teacher, I will be sure to adhere to copyright and fair use laws in mind. I will try to explain and educate my students about them as well in a simpler way to make sure they understand and learn to respect the work of others. This could definitely positively impact my classroom and make for a better community environment. I, myself, have definitely learned a lot more about copyright and fair use and I now will always keep these topics in mind. I had never heard of fair use before this class, but I think it makes perfect sense and helps teachers to better engage with materials and use them within their classrooms.     There are several issues that may come up when implementing technology within a classroom. I feel like one of the main ones is decreased productivity. Students can become easily distracted with technology and get carried away and lose out on the material. To address this, I will be sure to monitor the students when they are working with the technology and I will
  " busy walls of our second grade classroom " by  woodleywonderworks  is licensed under  CC BY 2.0 .